Graston Technique Scarsdale, NY

Graston Technique

Treats Scars, Adhesions, and Muscle Injuries


The Graston Technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to detect and treat areas exhibiting scar tissue or chronic inflammation.

Clinicians use instruments with varying shapes to comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments break up scar tissue so the body can absorb it.

The Graston Technique reduces pain and increases the range of motion. It also:

  • Improves diagnostic treatment
  • Increases patient satisfaction by achieving notably better outcomes
  • Speeds rehabilitation and recovery
  • Reduces the need for anti-inflammatory medication
  • Allows the patient to continue to engage in everyday activities.

The instruments are not meant to replace a clinician’s hands but to complement them.

More than 16,000 clinicians, 1,650 outpatient facilities, 55 industrial sites, and 250 professional and amateur sports organizations worldwide offer not only the original but the finest instrument-assisted soft tissue treatment technology available.  GT is part of the curriculum at 49 respected colleges and universities. Trainers and clinicians at these organizations treat elite athletes, patients, and employees every day to get them injury free to function at the highest level.

The Technique provides patients with a new option in the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints.

The Graston Technique® instruments, while enhancing the clinician’s ability to detect fascial adhesions and restrictions, have been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating both acute and chronic conditions, including:

  • Achilles Tendinitis/osis (ankle pain)Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (wrist pain)
  • Cervical Sprain/Strain (neck pain)Fibromyalgia
  • Lateral Epicondylitis/osis (tennis elbow)
  • Lumbar Sprain/Strain (back pain)
  • Medial Epicondylitis/osis (golfer’s elbow)
  • Patellofemoral Disorders (knee pain)
  • Plantar Fasciitis/osis (foot pain)
  • Rotator Cuff Tendinitis/osis (shoulder pain)
  • Scar Tissue
  • Shin Splints
  • Trigger Finger
  • Women’s Health (post-mastectomy and Caesarean scarring)

For more information, contact us at one of our convenient physical therapy clinics in Scarsdale, Larchmont and Armonk, NY!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!